El Cole covers the last cycle of Infant Education and Primary Education. We distribute our students into groups of the same age so that the level of the courses is as homogeneous as possible.
Our main objective as an educational institution is the teaching of the Spanish language and the social and cultural content corresponding to each of the school years. Families are an essential part of our educational work and we count on them to complete and expand the educational experiences of our students.
Our main values are respect, coexistence, solidarity, equality and tolerance.
Pedagogical Approach
Active Learning
Our students are the true protagonists of the teaching and learning process, and in classes our fundamental objective is to keep their minds active through learning situations such as oral and written expression activities, games, songs, music, theater, etc. The teachers are guides that facilitate the active learning of the students that form El Cole.

Significant Learning
It is essential for us that the knowledge acquired inside and outside the classroom can be used in the circumstances in which the student lives and in which he may need it. Attention to significant learning implies training them to understand and interpret reality, value it and make decisions about it. That is why the proposed learning situations respond to the real and significant communicative needs of the students.
Cooperative Learning
The children work in groups to develop the ability to share and values such as solidarity, respect and tolerance, which are essential in our project.
Attention to Diversity
We understand that all boys and girls share a series of characteristics, but each one of them is a unique person and has a particular way of feeling and acting. That is why we respect the individuality of the students and adapt to each child, while promoting cooperative learning. Individualized attention is part of the planning and action of our teachers.
Variety and Consistency
We organize tasks in a varied, stimulating and flexible way. We work teaching units according to the interests and needs of the students. The teaching team acts in a coordinated manner so that the learning process throughout the different courses has coherence and is consistent.
Learning objectives
In the last stage of Infant Education, nos centramos en el área del lenguaje comunicativo y representativo. Esta área hace referencia al desarrollo de la capacidad de comunicación del niño. Las distintas formas de comunicación y representación sirven de nexo entre el niño y las personas de su entorno. El trabajo en esta etapa consiste fundamentalmente en desarrollar las capacidades relacionadas con la emisión y recepción de mensajes, con su compresión y producción.

The different forms of communication and representation that are integrated in this area are: oral and written language, plastic language, musical language, body language and audiovisual language. These languages contribute, in a complementary way, to the integral development of the learners. Through languages, children develop their imagination and creativity, learn, structure their personality and emotions, and get to know the world.
In this way, El Cole helps students, during the Early Childhood Education stage, develop the following objectives:
- • Use oral language in an increasingly appropriate way to different communication situations to understand and be understood by others.
- • Approach reading and writing through texts related to everyday life, valuing written language as an instrument of representation and enjoyment.
- • Know and participate in some cultural and artistic manifestations of their environment and culture, taking diversity into account, and developing attitudes of interest, appreciation and respect for their values and those of others.

In the Primary Education stagefrom 6 to 12 years old, our main objective is the practice and development of the students' language skills: listening, speaking and dialoguing, reading and writing. As we are dealing with students of Spanish or Hispanic American origin who live in Dubai and who speak Spanish as a heritage language, we place special emphasis on the areas of vocabulary, written expression and reading in Spanish, since these are the specific aspects that need most reinforcement. Also, in our classes we deal with artistic, cultural and social issues that have to do with Spain and Spanish America to provide students with the necessary references to know and appreciate their own cultural context. In this way, El Cole helps students, during the Primary Education stage, develop the following objectives, which will be adapted to the level of each course:
- • Properly use oral and written language, so that they can be adapted to the context of communication.
- • Write correctly, paying attention to spelling, syntax and punctuation in Spanish.
- • Be able to read and understand texts in Spanish appropriate to their level and interests.
- • Know and appreciate the main cultural and artistic manifestations of the Hispanic world, taking into account diversity, and developing attitudes of interest, appreciation and respect for their cultural values and those of others.
In order for students to get to know each other beyond the classroom and to create a community around language and cultural shared values, we regularly organize trips, cultural activities, events and celebrations. Click here to see photos and articles of the activities that we have carried out to date. You can check the agenda of planned activities on our Blog.